WordPress was born 15 years ago as an open-source blogging platform to help people express their opinions and even daily life. Over the years it grew so much that millions of websites worldwide use it as the main platform to build their presence on. It had easy to use editor, which was one of the reasons many people preferred it over the other available platforms out there. In December last year though, we greeted the brand new editor, called Gutenberg.
How it changed the experience and how it works?
First of all, let’s have a look at how it works. It works with blocks, which is a huge difference compared to the previous editor. These blocks are programmed with Javascript and React, which put everything on a whole another level.
What makes it different though?
As we wrote, they are written using Javascript and React, which means that now after so many years with the WYSIWYG editor, the user is finally able to edit their content visually. Before this was an available option only if you have installed a visual editor, but most of them were somehow very difficult to be used by users and sometimes weren’t helpful at all.
But here comes Gutenberg. It’s easy and it’s visual. As soon as you open the editor for a new page or publication, you see a blank page, which asks you just to start typing. Easy as that! At every paragraph there is a + (plus) sign, opening the menu from which you can choose what you need – simple paragraph, heading, picture, gallery, video and so much more.
As we work with this platform for many years, even though it’s not our main work way, we should say that Gutenberg will be definitely easier to get used to for all the new users. As it’s completely different from WYSIWYG, there is that certain amount of time, which long time users need to get used to the new experience. But once you come along, the new way to write content becomes more appealing than ever before. Just look – you can put a video in your publication by just dropping the link to YouTube, Vimeo, and more. Forget about the old ways of embedding.
Some people though are still fans of the old editor. If you’re one of them, don’t worry. It is still available and you just have to install its plugin.
Are you still using an old version of WordPress, having no idea how to upgrade safely?
Reach our experienced team and we’ll be happy to help you make the transit and resolve your issues with the platform.
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