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Twitter’s new interface gives more features to users

Jan 31st 2019 / Social Media

Recently, Twitter users can see new notification panel at the right of their profile when they’re logged in. And this is not else, but the new Twitter interface. 

Clicking the button “Take a look” redirects users to the brand new look of the platform, that finally matches the mobile view, which is available for a long time now. 

In the current official desktop version when clicking on your image at the top right bar it shows a drop-down of specific options. The new version takes it to another level and now opens a full menu, which shows the old and the brand new options such as “Bookmarks” and more. In the new look the "Night mode" is also available, but this time we can also see the new “Data saver” option, which blurs video and images and loads them if the user clicks specifically on them. 

The top bar now looks the same as the one in the mobile app and the button for the new tweet is moved to the bottom right after the trends. The home version also consists of only 2 columns instead of the 3 columns as the Trends section is moved to the right and the profile section is completely removed. 

New tweets can be seen if you only scroll up and there’s no need to push that “See new tweets” button, which now appears on top of all the tweets. 

The profile page view is also changed. It’s divided into 2 columns as well. The bigger left column looks the same as the mobile app view and consists of profile information, cover, and user's photo and user’s tweets. The smaller right column consists of pictures section, who to follow, and trends sections. 

Users who switched already to the new version have the opportunity to give their feedback to Twitter developers. 

Do you already encounter the new look? Follow us at @eurocoders. We’ll be glad to chat with you there!